Dear participant, the Mexican Nuclear Society and the Latin American Section of the American Nuclear Society, thank you for your interest in being part of their joint congress.
If you wish to present a work at the congress, you must register in EasyChair, which is the platform selected for the administration of the works during this congress.

EasyChair registration

To register for EasyChair please click on the following link.

Registration Instructions

Para obtener una guía rápida sobre cómo hacer el registro y subir su trabajo a la plataforma EasyChair, puede descargar el siguiente manual.



Paper Format

Every paper must comply with the official format, to download the format click on the following button.




Once a paper has been approved by the Technical Ccommittee, at least one of the Authors must register at the congress as AUTHOR in the “REGISTRATION->ATTENDEES” section and pay the corresponding fee.